Plant a garden – But don’t become an environmental hypocrite!

"In the heart of a bulb is the promise of spring....."

The environmental cause is a true concern; nature is drowning in plastic, car exhaust fumes pollute our atmosphere and mountains of fast-fashion clothing rot away in landfills while we continue to drive cars running on fossil fuel and feel little, or no shame at picking up a bargain at the shop or online for items made thousand’s of miles away, while knowingly overlooking locally made products due to their higher price tags.

In Sweden a teenage activist named Greta Ernman Thunberg has been making news with her fight against global warming. Following in her example hundreds of scandinavian children and students have also gone on school strikes in March 2019 to campaign against climate change.

Had I been 16 I would have been the loudest and most eager participant, pushing my way to the front of the line, and shouting until my voice is hoarse “Stop using plastic !”. I am in the over 40 category now, and while I one hundred percent agree that the planet is sick and needs help, I might be seeing the situation from a slightly different vantage point. 

Yes ! The planet is not doing too good, and while it is easy to blame the older generation for the plastic mess, the truth of the matter is that plastic and cars alone are not the main cause of global warming and climate change – Greed and it’s little sister – vanity,  are the true origin of the problem!

Greed is the reason why the cucumbers at the grocery store are individually sold in plastic wrap ! Someone at one time figured out there was more profit to be made selling beautiful, matching vegetables wrapped in plastic than trying to convince customers to buy the short, deformed or damaged ones. 

Greed is also the motivating factor behind much of fashion industry, and any manufacturers that
produces and sells non-biodegradable / recyclable items, as well as those of inferior quality. Someone, somewhere is making a profit on the culpability of customers. 

Vanity is the reason we keep buying new items that are easily expendable. Think about it for a while, how many things do we have around the house that we do not actually use, need, or even like? Or, how often do we replace a perfectly good item for a shinier, newer version ?

We are all guilty, and while we feel good about going shopping with our recyclable nets, or tote bags the important question should be not in what we carry our purchases in, but what did we buy ?

Don’t get me wrong I do support the engagement for the global health of our planet, but demonstrations are not enough, what we need is a change of attitude, a change in our appetites and shopping habits. 

I urge all those who feel strongly about the environment to make a pledge, a personal vow to live simpler, more purposeful lives. To reject greed and vanity in not just their daily lives, but also in their career choices. 

Grow a vegetable garden, plant flowers bees are attracted to, be conscious and aware of your responsibility as custodians of our delicate eco system, recycle, and buy local products. 

But most of all remember actions speaks louder than words, and cliché as it sounds this saying is as true as ever  "To change the world you must first change yourself!
